Earlier I posted about how to bind Select DropDown List in Angular 2 and Cascading DropDown List using Angular 2 covering some of the newest features of Angular 2 beta 8 release. And in this post, we will find out how to bind radiobutton list in Angular 2. At the time of writing this post, Angular 2 RC4 is the newest version.
Category: TypeScript

TypeScript Interview Questions for beginners
Previously I posted about Grunt and Gulp interview questions and in this post, find list of latest and updated TypeScript interview questions and their answers for freshers as well as experienced users. These interview questions will help you to prepare for the interviews, for quick revision and provide strength to your technical skills.
Without JavaScript, web development can’t be imagined. Though JavaScript has issues but it is universally supported by all browsers. And present time is an era of new client side frameworks or technologies (AngularJs, Gulp, Grunt, Yeoman etc.) for better user experience and web development. TypeScript is another player and is becoming popular as it lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to and addresses JavaScript issues.