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Fix for missing xml comment for publicly visible type or member core

Fix for “missing xml comment for publicly visible type or member” in ASP.NET Core

This warning cs1591 missing xml comment for publicly visible type or member, you may get while building the application or Visual studio will also display red squiggle in your code at all places where XML comments are missing. The warning can be ignored, but that red squiggle in code is quite annoying. So in this short post, find out how to fix/disable this warning cs1591 in ASP.NET Core projects.
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most productive way to handle exception in ASPNET Core

The most productive way to handle exception in ASP.NET Core

A few days ago, a tweet from Marcos Besteiro got my attention. He tweeted, “Most productive exception handler ever”. Here is the actual tweet.

It’s indeed the most productive exception handling idea that I came across. This is what we as developers do most of the times when there is an exception. We simply copy and paste the exception on Google/Bing and got the answers on StackOverflow. And this idea will definitely save the efforts of copy-paste and then searching for help. As earlier, I posted about Global Exception Handling in ASP.NET Core WEB API and thought of implementing the same idea with ASP.NET Core.

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Global Exception Handling in ASPNET Core WEB API

Global Exception Handling in ASP.NET Core WEB API

Exception handling is one of the most important part of any application that needs to addressed and implemented properly. With ASP.NET Core, things have changed and are in better shape to implement exception handling. Implementing exception handling for every action method in API, is quite time-consuming and requires extra efforts. So in this post, find out how to implement global exception handling in ASP.NET Core WEB API. Read More

Entity Framework Core InMemory provider with ASP.NET Core

One of the new feature of EF Core is, Entity Framework Core InMemory provider. It’s a new db Provider which holds everything in memory. There is no database written to disk. This is useful for unit testing entity framework DB operations as InMemory storage behaves same as the actual database storage. So you don’t have to connect and query to actual database. So in this post, let’s see how to configure and use Entity Framework Core InMemory provider with an ASP.NET Core Application.
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How to Install ASP.NET Core And Create Your First Application

How to Install ASP.NET Core And Create Your First Application

Finally, ASP.NET Core is out and there is lots of excitement among developers. As you might be knowing ASP.NET Core is completely a new framework and will definitely require some learning. In this post I will take you through about how to install ASP.NET Core along with tooling and then creating your first .NET Core application and ASP.NET Core application using dotnet cli tool. Read More